Goodbye 2014, hello 2015


2014 hasn't been great considering I lost two friendships in my life and my boyfriend went away for three months but I have come out the other side happier and more of a stronger person then ever and I am looking forward to what's to come in 2015. In 2014 there were points where I was the most happiest person on the planet and so happy to be alive but then towards the end of the year I felt so alone and so unhappy with my life. I am so glad 2014 is gone and over so this year knowing what I have learnt from 2014 I can go on to make it a great year. 

What I have learnt from 2014:

Growing out of friendships
As you grow older you change as a person you learn lessons in life that can change you for the better but sadly not every person likes change and as you grow as a person not everyone around you grows along with you. Along with that people can grow distant and you then start to lose that friendship and it doesn't mean that you don't care about them it just means it's time to go off on your own paths of life.
Unfortunately it does happen and it sucks when it does because you miss them being in your life but you know it's for the better because sometimes you just have to let go of friends.

Do what you want to do
I gained confidence in myself a lot more in 2014 it wasn't easy and it was bloody frightening but I had enough of blending in with everyone, not having a voice and just doing what everybody else told me to do. I still find it hard to always have enough confidence to do this but once I have done it, it makes me feel amazing and I will carry on doing this throughout 2015.

Don't ever stop being kind
Always be kind to others even if they are unkind to you because you will always come out the other side a better person. I am a strong believer in treat people how you would wish to be treated.

My aims for 2015:

Care less of what other people think as long as I am happy with myself who cares what other people think about me.

Aim to be more creative and start to do more crafty things.

Step out of my comfort zone more even if it means doing something that is the scariest thing you have ever done.


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